Wholesale Guide to Ornamental and Foliage Plants.

PlantFinder® Listing Rates

A payment is required for all first-time advertisers. Deadline is the 1st of the preceding month. All ads will run continuously unless cancelled by the 10th of the preceding month It is recommended that listings' descriptions and prices be updated on a regular basis to provide more accurate information to the potential buyers

Plant listings

Advertising plants in the PLANTFINDER magazine is $2.50 per item. Minimum order is $50.00 (20 items or less) per issue. A copy of Certificate of Nursery Registration from the State of Florida, Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services is required with any advertisement selling Florida nursery stock.


$35.00 per ad - 4 ads or more: $25.00 each per issue.
An ad must be attached to a plant listing and will appear in color.

Allied supply listings

Advertising allied supplies in the PLANTFINDER magazine is $2.50 per item.
Minimum order is $50.00 (20 items or less) per issue.

Classified and Real Estate ads

Classified Advertising in the PLANTFINDER magazine is $2.50 per line.
Minimum order is $40.00 (16 lines or less) per issue.

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Betrock Information Systems, Inc.

Betrock Information Systems is internationally renowned for numerous high-quality, color, hardcover book titles Betrock has published featuring palms and tropical plants.

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